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My intention for this program is to guide you in developing your creative business into a thriving success.

In this program, TRANSFORMATION happens.
You will learn more about yourself, tap into your intuition and really use its powers, nurture your soul and build confidence.
I support you with healing and guiding you to create offers with your art and services.

  • ​Mapping Your Course
  • ​Identifying Blocks
  • ​Building Confidence
  • ​Money Mindset
  • ​Learn Creative tools to manifest
  • ​Practical daily tools for alignment
  • ​Taking the steps to implement action
  • ​Increased happiness and abundance

Your life is your masterpiece.
I will help you by working step-by-step with you to manifesting your dream.

I'm leading art groups and supporting creatives with self-care practices.

Seriously, this could be you in 8 weeks!

Manifesting Creative Business program is the trusted 8-week program for creatives who want to reach more people without resorting to marketing tactics that steal their soul


What is stopping you? Do you think it’s time or money? Or maybe you have fear? I will help you break through your limited mindset that is stopping you from achieving your dreams. We always say we don’t have time or money. When really it’s our own relationship with both. We have enough and it's time to open ourselves to receive it.

I would be honored to support you on your journey. We are here to live on purpose. This is an inside job.

  • ​As a Thriving Creative you will learn to take your magic and share it with others.
  • ​Teach practices for self-care to your niche
  • ​Share your gifts with authenticity
  • ​ Learn how to use your art as a superpower to manifest the life your want
  • ​Focus on how your creativity will bring a positive effect to the world
  • ​Implement a structure and system to create over 6 figures in your creative business
  • ​Feel confident with your message and purpose
  • ​Gain support from community to manifest your desires
  • ​Receive recurring revenue and create multiple income streams
  • ​Individual sessions infuse art making

Let me guess.....

When you think about the lives you can change with your work, you are SOUL excited!!!

Getting visible is part of letting people get to know you - your people need you!

Sometimes you want to shout 'LET'S MAKE ART!' when you hear your ideal person describe their problems.

You might even have been your own ideal client once upon a time so the passion runs deep.

But the reality is......

  • ​You think you're going to mess up, when reality there are no mess ups. It's stepping into everything that is aligned for you.
  • ​You feel like you're behind, when you are exactly where you need to be.
  • ​You can't seem to figure it out, yet you haven't tried a framework that actually works.
  • ​You think that selling is hard, but it's actually a lot of fun.
  • ​You're scared of showing up because people might not like you. The right people will like you.
  • ​You feel like you're not ready. However, it's through action where you gain confidence.

Make your mission bigger than your fear.

Let me introduce you to the Art of Healing and Manifesting Business Program

Are You An Art Therapist?​

  • ​You can receive supervision hours towards ATR
  • ​Learn how to set up a successful private practice
  • ​​Connect with other art therapists
  • ​Take your practice online
  • ​Build a thriving community
  • ​Learn marketing skills to show up as a leader
  • ​Offer bundle packages, memberships, and courses

Are You A Creative Guide?

  • ​Learn tools to market your offers
  • ​Find your ideal clients
  • ​Build a thriving community
  • ​Learn marketing skills to show up as a leader
  • ​Find your unique voice as an artist
  • ​Offer bundle packages, memberships, and courses

What's the difference between the full year program and Citrine package?

Full Year of Manifesting
Creative Business

  • ​Access to the Thriving Creative Course (group component 3 rounds)
  • ​Creative Soul Society Membership 1 year
  • ​Bonuses (book, deck, business marketing strategy, checklists)
  • ​​Manifesting Business Program $367.00 payment plan for 12 months
  • ​Pay in full $4400.00 (get Creative Soul t-shirt and 21 day Healing Art Journal Experience)
  • ​14 individual session to dive deep into healing and coaching

Citrine Package of Creative Business

  • ​Access to the Thriving Creative Course (1 round in group)
  • ​Creative Soul Society Membership 1 year
  • ​Bonuses (book, deck, business marketing strategy, checklists)
  • ​​Citrine Package $220.00 payment plan for 10 months
  • ​Pay in full $2200.00 get Creative Soul t-shirt
  • ​7 individual sessions
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  • ​Thriving Creative Business Course (1 Round) You have lifetime access to all the content in the training–even when new content is added to the training. (valued at $2200.00)​
  • ​You will learn how to create and nurture a thriving online community
  • ​You can pay in full or in monthly payments (for no extra charge).​
  • ​You get to be a member of the Creative Soul Society and lead a group to practice your skills. You learn to call in your community. This is hands-on, practice-oriented training. These are ALL recorded.​
  • ​How to overcome Imposter Syndrome
  • ​How to tackle Procrastination
  • ​Proven Framework: Action Checklist
  • ​Content and Lesson Plan ideas for non-clinical workshops
  • ​Social Media strategy plan: 0ver 100 ideas
  • ​You will learn a marketing blueprint to market your art and services (it works!)
  • ​You will learn tools for your own healing and manifesting

What people are saying about the
Thriving Creative Couse​

Kept me accountable!

"I'm a meta thinker and this group helped me the most by keeping me accountable showing up for myself. Sharing with the group has given me feedback and validation. It also was constructive of what my next moves are and what I need to do. It helped me with the BIG VISION and teaches you how to get there. Leah has really given me great tools.
I was interested in Leah's perspective, she is an artist and art therapist doing what I'm doing."
Leeanna Mantica, Artist and Art Therapist

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On the path to living my best life!

“I was searching for answers to find a new career path that spoke to my soul. What I discovered with Leah’s community, course and mentorship was so much more than I ever could have imagined! I am on the path to living my best life with the freedom and soul purpose I have been asking for!"

Founder Aurora for Therapeutic Art for Wellness:
Finding Your Intuitive Life Purpose
Jami Marie Ambrosky

Loved it!

"I love working with Leah. She has a very warm and supportive energy. We worked one one one on her art for healing and manifesting program so it was focused on my personal needs. We touched on a lot of art and creative business growth but also touched on aspects more personal for healing and self-care. Each session always left me with something to reflect upon on. I loved that the program had parts where we discussed business growth but also art therapy . Having someone that understands both aspects and had techniques on how to balance both was very important to me as I love art and creating and want to grow as a business but also love the therapy and healing aspect of painting and creating. I truly loved and cherished our sessions and it taught me different tools to build on a groundwork to continue on growing on my creative and personal journey."

 Raquel Fuentes, Artist

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I learned so much!

“After stalling out with cognitive, talk-based therapy, I knew I needed to get out of my head and find a more “embodied” approach. I discovered Leah through her art therapy workbook on Amazon, and was intrigued to find she offered a “healing and manifesting” program combined 1×1 counseling, online classes, and group work. Although I was initially afraid to tune into the long-neglected, intuitive, feelings-based side of my personality, Leah put me immediately at ease. The woman practices what she preaches. She is comfortable in her own skin, moves with (rather than resists) the natural flow of life, and is, resultantly, outrageously productive. She is direct in the most gentle way possible, and helped me laugh through a lot of the issues that long inhibited my self-expression. By week 7 of our 14-week package, I got published in my first art exhibit and launched my first website (which I had wanted to do for a decade). I so appreciate her accountability and emotional support, and would recommend Leah to anyone who wants to make progress, at long last, on actually executing on their dreams.”- A

Alexis Obernaur, Writing Coach

What a blessing!

“I have so much to be grateful for and Leah your one of the human beings that has been a HUGE game changer for me. I don’t think I could have gone this far if it wasn’t for your gentle encouragement and beautiful guidance. This has been an incredible year.”

Nati Love, Brand Specialist & Personal Development Coach

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"I have been in Leah's groups for a couple rounds that have been amazing at helping me narrow my focus to work towards my goals!"

Founder Creative Soul Connection
Art Therapist
Caroline Wade

Time to Reflect!

“I have so much to be grateful for and Leah your one of the human beings that has been a HUGE game changer for me. I don’t think I could have gone this far if it wasn’t for your gentle encouragement and beautiful guidance. This has been an incredible year.”

Nati Love, Brand Specialist & Personal Development Coach

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"Best in the world!"

“Working with Leah has been a great gift. I came into this process feeling unsure, scared, timid, and full of self-doubt. With Leah's gentle guidance, support, and encouragement, I feel more empowered and confident than ever as an artist, creative teacher, and healer. Leah has helped me step into my power, gain clarity, and start working toward my goals and dreams. I'm painting more than I ever have before, teaching amazing workshops, and I have even started the process of writing a book. I wouldn't be where I am today without my work with Leah.”

Heather LeCompte, Expressive Arts Therapist, Artist, and
Workshop Teacher

Are you still on the fence?
Schedule a free consultation.

Art is my Superpower

I've written 3 art therapy books (my 4th one comes out this summer), "The Art of Healing and Manifesting: Creative Exercises to Living an Abundant Life, "Essential Art Therapy Exercises: Effective Techniques to Manage Anxiety, Depression, and PTSD", and a children's book, "RAD is SMAD!!" .
My signature program, Art of Healing and Manifesting, supports creatives by healing any emotional wounds and transforming your mess into your message. You can use all your gifts and make money in your creative business. The online membership, Creative Soul Society, is a monthly self-care art making group. Lastly, I do offer online art therapy sessions where we focus on the law of attraction. spirituality, and cognitive-behavioral art therapy techniques. Everything in life is interconnected. I'm here to support you in up leveling every area of your life.

It's an honor to have helped thousands of individuals find more joy, wealth, and peace in their lives through my books, individual, and group programs.