Healing Flow for Your Creative Soul

Join an Immersive 21 Day Healing Art Experience
led by best- selling author and board certified
art therapist, Leah Guzman,
to discover a self-care practice through art journaling.


Do you feel that you have difficulty grounding yourself in the morning and
you aren't motivated for your day?

Do you want to dive deeper with your art practice to use it as a coping tool?

Did you know that you can use creativity as a superpower to make ripple effects in the world?

The truth is most creatives don't know how to use their art as a way to support their mental health.

That doesn't mean that making art for the sake of making art doesn't feel good. It means that most creatives haven't had the opportunity to move past artistic skill to understand emotional elements in art to support them in their mental health and regulate their emotions.

Our school system doesn't teach us how to create emotional well-being.

In art class we art taught the skills to make a pretty picture.

However, art is a visual language. When you tap into how to use your art to connect with your soul you can receive guidance. You can literally heal emotional wounds and manifest the life you desire.

This isn't about making a pretty picture, there is no judgment. This is about self development and self-expression

So it makes sense if you ....

  • Feel Stuck: creative blocks are a sign to take action 
  • Experience Anxiety: that you aren't manifesting your big ideas
  • ​Lack Direction: because your morning routine isn't intentionally setting you up for the day

21 Days to Get Into Your Creative Flow

I've experienced burn out, feeling stuck, high anxiety, and not knowing where to begin.
There have been different points in my life where my art has saved me.
One of them was when my children were little and I lost myself.
I was taking care of everyone's else needs other than my own.

It felt like I was in a hole and I didn't know how to get out. 
Thankfully, I got the support I needed from an art therapist.
I started building boundaries, learned how to tackle my people pleasing ways, and built up my self-worth.

Many of my private clients experience this same pattern.

A big game changer for me was creating routines in my life to make art my priority for self-care.
Creating a morning routine in order to get myself grounded helped tremendously.
I've been practicing art therapy for 20 years now.
What I know for sure is that I find my mental well-being balance through my art practice.

The reason I created the 21 Day Healing Art Journal is to set you up on an inspired journey.
Each day you are led through a 15 minute art making exercise that has a specific theme.
Every three days we explore different elements of each chakra (energy centers).

Maybe your at the point now where you are looking for art healing tools to incorporate in your life?

If so, I've got good news for you:

You don't have to stay stuck, anxious, or uninspired.

It's time to get into your creative flow.

Once enrolled you will receive daily emails for your prompts and have access to the course on the site.
There are guided meditations for each lesson too.

It's time for mental wealth and well-being.

Discover Healing Art Techniques

  • Rediscover Innate Flow and Joy in Life
  • Proven Healing Art Techniques that Reduce Overwhelm 
  • Find your Own Personal Symbols and Visual Language
  • ​Learn About Each Chakra Energy Center
  • Set Intentions to Kickstart Your Ideal Day
  • Connect Deeply with Yourself and Your Intuition
  • Take Action in Your Life from Your Own Inner Guidance
  • Use Your Art To Regulate Your Emotions
  • Find Out How You Can Manifest with Your Art Journal Practice
  • Celebrate Yourself and Tap Into Your Self Worth

What makes the 21 Day Healing Art Journal different?

It's proven that short term, daily, consistent practices have a powerful effect in creating new habits
(more impactful than hour long sessions once a week).
Each day you receive guidance and action steps for self-inquiry to build a beautiful self-care practice in just 3 weeks.

21 Days Healing Art Course Overview:
Root Chakra: focuses on creating structure, connect with your body, and grounding
Sacral Chakra: focuses on releasing what no longer serves you to bring in more joy
Solar Plexus Chakra: focuses on your strengths, boundaries and self-worth
Heart Chakra: focuses on love, forgiveness, and connecting with others
Third Eye Chakra: focuses on your imagination and listening to your intuition
Crown Chakra: focuses on being present and connecting to Source

You can start today!



originally $333

Meet Your Creative Soul Guide

Leah Guzman is a board certified art therapist and creative alchemist. She has a best seller book, Essential Art Therapy Exercises. She has also an Oracle Card deck and has written, The Art of Healing and Manifesting book.

What do you receive when you register?

  • ​21 Day Protocol with me, Leah Guzman, that includes 15 minute videos guiding your journey
  • Soul Evoking Questions to gain clarity of your healing and manifesting journey
  • ​Meditations to become present and in the moment as you start your creative process
  • ​Daily Emails to remind you to check in to create

"Your gift of art and healing has been so helpful."

"I'm so grateful our paths crossed! Your gift of art and healing has been so helpful. So many things have happened during the 21 Art Healing Journal Days. It helped me get through my avoidance and hold space for my feelings. It challenged me to dive deep into who I am with acceptance (rather than other people's expectations of me).
Thank you!" ~~Jackie D.

What questions do you have?

  • What Materials Do I Need? Definitely a journal. You can use assorted art media you have already at home. I include a material list once you register.
  • ​Do I Have to do the Full Course in 21 Days? You can go at  your own pace and have access to the content. I do recommend to take 15 minutes a day for your self-care to improve your mental well-being.
  • Who is the 21 Day Healing Art Journey for? This is for beginner or advanced artists. No prior skills are required. It's focused on creatives that are looking for self-development, inner guidance, and peace.
  • ​How exactly does the 21 Day Healing Art Journey work? You set your art space and a quiet place to work. You can listen to the meditation to get settled. Follow my directives that guides you for 15 minutes in creating a self-reflective journal response.
  • What's the refund policy of the course? All courses are exchangeable. You can exchange it for another product of the same price.